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Java Basics

Before you begin trying to make a Minecraft mod, it is important that you are comfortable with the Java programming language. There exist much better ways to learn Java for beginners than this document but I'll make an attempt. If you've already got a good understanding of Java, I encourage you to skip this and get started making your mod. Otherwise, if you're already comfortable with another programming language, this will be trivial to learn, if not might be kinda difficult.

If you're new to programming, I recommend you follow along and experiment with my examples. If you don't have java installed on your computer yet, you can use an online compiler to run your programs without leaving your web browser.

I promise this will be the longest and most boring page on this site.

Primitive Types

Every piece of information your programs can store has a type. Simple data types are called primitives and are the building blocks of more complex types

  • boolean, can either store true or false
  • byte, can store values of -128 to 127
  • short, can store value of -32768 to 32767
  • int, can store value of -2147483648 to 2147483647
  • long, can store value of -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
  • char, can store characters
  • float, can store decimal numbers
  • double, can store a wider range of decimal numbers

Although a long can hold much more data than a byte, you may choose to use a smaller data type when you can predict the range of your data because is saves memory. When you have a variable whose value you know will never go over 127, there's no reason to use 4 times the memory for an int. In practice, modern computers are powerful enough that it almost never actually matters.


A variable holds one piece of information. They have a type, a name, and a value.

When you declare a variable, you first state the type you want to use and then the name for the variable.

int foo;

You can declare multiple variables with the same type at the same time.

int foo, foo1, foo2;

Every statement (such as a declaration, assignment, method call) must end with a ; character. The convention is to keep each statement on its own line of code.

When you declare a variable with a primitive type without assigning it a value, it will default to 0.

To give our variable a value other than the default we can initialize it with a value:

int foo = 1;

Or, first declare the variable and later in the code give it a value to store:

int foo;
foo = 1;

When you declare a float, double or long typed variable you must follow the number with a letter that represents the type.

double a = 1.5d;
float b = 4f;
long c = 1234L;


Any text on a line past // is ignored by the complier. This is called a comment. They can be used to describe the thought process behind your code to make it easier to read.

Multi-line comments can be made by putting anything between /* and */

/* this is not code
it will be ignored */

int foobar = 4; // also a comment


Operators act between two values. The five arithmetic operators are fairly self explanatory:

  • +,  addition
  • -,  subtraction
  • *, multiplication
  • /,  division
  • %, modulo (remainder)

These operators can be only used while working with primitive types. The only exception is a string concatenation, when we want to combine two sequences of characters into one String.

int foo = 1;
int bar = 2;

int result = foo + bar;

Now result stores the value 3. In this case, the variables foo and bar are redundant. This is an equivalent statement:

int result = 1 + 2;

Of course, the other operators work the same way.

double speed = 1.0 / 8.0; // speed is now 0.125
double four = speed * 32;

// modulo gives the remainder of a devision
int thing = 12 % 10; // thing is 2

// delare a string by putting text in quotes
String name = "Luke";
String greeting = "Hi " + name;

The modulo operator (%) gives the remainder when the first number is divided by the second. For example,

int baz = 10 % 3; // 1
// 10 devided 3 is 3 with a remainder of 1

int bar = 100 % 7; // 2
// 100 devided by 7 is 14 with a remainder of 2

There are 3 boolean operators.

  • !, not, which inverts the value
  • &&, and, which checks that both of the values are true
  • ||, or, which checks that at least one of the values is true
boolean foo = true;
boolean bar = !foo; // false
boolean baz = foo && bar; // false
boolean bam = foo || bar; // true

There are 6 types of equality operator. They are used to compare 2 numbers and evaluate to a boolean.

  • ==, compares a value when used on primitive types and a reference when used on reference types

  • !=, is not equal to (inverse of ==)

  • >, is greater than

  • >=, is greater than or equal

  • <, is less than

  • <=, is less than or equal

boolean foo = 3 > 1; // true
boolean bar = 9 == (3 + 4); // false

instanceof is used for checking if an object is an instance of a particular class or it's subtype. This will make more sense once we learn more about objects. Example,

String foo = "hello world";
boolean result = foo instanceof String; // true
boolean other = foo instance of ArrayList; // false

Operators that evaluate to booleans can be chained together to form complex boolean expressions. These expressions can used anywhere a boolean is needed.

boolean foo = 1 < 2 || 2 < 1;

foo will hold the value true, even though the second expression returns false. Because at least the expression on the right returned true.

boolean bar = 1 < 2 && 2 < 1;

bar however, will be false because only one of the expressions was true.

Output Text

The simplest way for your program to display information to the user is:

System.out.println("Hello World");
System.out.println(10 * 2 + 5);

Whatever you pass in to that function call will be printed to the console.

If Statements

An if statement controls the flow of your program. You can specify code to run only if a boolean expression (known as a condition in this context) is true.

int foo = 5;
int bar = 10;

if (bar > foo) {
// run some code


You may find your self wanting to run another block of code only if your condition is false. You could do something like this,

if (condition){
if (!condition){

But there's a less verbose way:

if (condition){
} else {

If Else

You may find your self wanting to check anther condition only if the first was false. You could do something like this:

if (condition){
} else {
if (otherCondition){
} else {
if (thirdCondition){
} else {

But there's a more clear way:

if (condition){
} else if (otherCondition){
} else if (thirdCondition){
} else {

Remember, as soon as one of the conditions evaluates to true, that block will execute and none of the lower ones will.

less levels of nesting = less spaghetti code = good

While Loops

The ability to repeat code can be extremely useful. While loops use a condition, just like if statements.

int x = 0;
while (x < 4){
System.out.println(x * 4);
x = x + 1;

that code will set x to zero and then only if x is less than 4: print x and increase x by one. Then it will go back up and repeat the check if x is less than 4. It will keep looping around until the check fails. The output will look like this:


You can easily make infinite loops. true is always true so the condition will always pass.

while (true){

You can also force a loop to exit early by using the break; statement. This will immediately exit the loop and move on to the code in the next block.

while (carHasGas){
if (wasBreakPushed){

You can also skip the remaining part of a loop and immediately restart at the condition.

while (true){
if (bar){

is equivalent to

while (true){
if (!bar){

For Loops

There is a more efficient way to write my first while loop example.

for (int x=0;x<4;x++){
System.out.println(x * 4);

Instead of the first set of brackets just containing a condition, it has 3 statements.

  1. called at the beginning, the first time the loop runs. commonly to initialize a counter variable
  2. the condition checked before each iteration. the loop ends if this is false
  3. called at the end of each iteration. commonly to increment the counter variable

break and continue statements work the same as before.


Variables declared within {a code block} cannot be accessed from outside the block. They can however, be accessed by inner blocks.

int a = 0;
if (foo){
// can access a
while (bar){
float b = 2.7f;
// do some math whatever idk
// can access a and b
// can not access b anymore


An array contains several values of a certain type in order. The array type is denoted by square brackets, [], after a normal type. You can reference values in the array by putting an index in [square brackets]. Note that everything is "0-indexed", which means the first item in an array is referenced as index 0, the second is index 1 and so on. You can get the length of an array by accessing the length property.

int[] oddNumbers = new Integer[]{1, 3, 5, 7, 9};
int five = oddNumbers[2];
five == oddNumbers.length; // true

You can also use a for loop to go through all values in an array.

for (int n : oddNumbers){

is a shorter way of writing,

for (int i=0; i<oddNumbers.length; i++){
int n = oddNumbers[i];


The class String holds an immutable sequence of characters that represent some text, like a word or a paragraph. You create them by wrapping some text in "quotes" and they can be concatonated with the + opperator.

You can use the String#split method to break a string into an array of substrings. The arument passed in is how it decides where to split the string.

String groceries = "apple,pear,bannana,lime";
String[] fruits = groceries.split(",");
// fruits contains ["apple", "pear", "bannana", "lime"]

You can use [square brackets] to index a certain character of a string. For example, "thing"[0] == "t". Since strings are immutable, you cannot change a character this way, you must create a new string instead. Running "thing"[1] = "a" will crash.

The method String#contains will tell you if a string has a certain substring.

String thing = "whatever";
System.out.println(thing.contains("hate")); // true
System.out.println(thing.contains("apple")); // false

The method String#substring will return the string beginning at the index passed in. In other words, it removes the n characters.

String groceries = "apple,pear,bannana,lime";
System.out.println(groceries.substring(5)); // ,pear,bannana,lime
System.out.println(groceries.substring(15)); // ana,lime

Other Concepts

I'm not going to go over everything you need to know but here are some other terms to keep an eye out for in your own java learning journey.

  • Objects
  • Methods
  • Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Interfaces
  • Exceptions
    • the most common exception is a NullPointerException
  • Example Type: ArrayList
    • which holds a dynamic sequence of any type
    • compared to an array
    • List interface
  • Example Type: HashMap
    • maps keys to values
    • Map interface
  • Example Type: Supplier
  • Generics