NotEnoughGraphs: Explore Your Curseforge Earnings

Although Curseforge's new authors dashboard has some fancy graphs, you still can't see all the way back in time or download your data. To fix this, I wrote a script that parses the html of the rewards transactions page and exports the data as json that you can process however you like.

Exporting Your Data

There are several options for running the export script. Once you install the chrome extension or script, just go to the transactions tab in cf and you should see a timer tick up as your data is loaded.

Please be careful about pasting random scripts into the console of websites where you're logged in. Curseforge requires a 2FA code to withdraw points so i couldn't steal your money even if i wanted to. But as a matter of principle you should still review the code to see that i'm not being evil :)

Graphing Your Data

Your data will be saved in your browser's local storage. It will stay when you refresh the page.
Your data stays private and is never sent to my servers. Feel free to inspect element and look at the code to verify this.

Daily Earnings

Cumulative Earnings

Total Per Project

Last Day Per Project

Earn enough points to find this useful? You can probably afford to donate to support its development :)